Archicom – VR app

Interaktywne wizualizacje VR  i aplikacje VR dla deweloperów - ColorDrop Studio - wirtualna rzeczywistość - wideo sferyczne - aplikacje mobilne - aplikacje dla deweloperów - wizualizacje Oculus Rift - wizualizacje HTC Vive - VR experience

Archicom – aplikacja VR

The applicaton was based on interior and visualisations we've made for one of the biggest polish real estate development company - Archicom. Users have possibility to choose between 2 apartments and three interior designs in each made by ColorDrop Studio. Application we have developed for the Gear VR improve the VR experience and allow potential customers a virtual stroll around the 49sqm and 60sqm apartment.

Range of Project:
- static visualizations
- animations
- spherical videos ( 360° video)
- VR application
- touchscreen mobile application

Software used: Unreal Engine 4, Photoshop, Blender
Realization: Q4 2016